Csatlakozzatok a Khaos Legionshöz!A banda egy új kampányba kezdett. Az egész világról várják a rajongók jelentkezését, hogy csatlakozzanak a Khaos Legionshöz, ezen a
weboldalon.A támogatói aktivitásért pedig, a zenekar értékes relikviákat oszt szét a rajongók között, így tehát érdemes csatlakozni. Kérésemre már Budapest is felkerült a listára, de ne legyetek restek saját városotokat sem felíratni!
Black Earth (1996) |
 | 1. | Bury Me An Angel | 2. | Dark Insanity | 3. | Eureka | 4. | Idolatress | 5. | Cosmic Retribution | 6. | Demoniality | 7. | Transmigration Macabre | 8. | Time Capsule | 9. | Fields of Desolation | 10. | Losing Faith | 11. | The Ides of March |
Stigmata (1998) |
 | 1. | Beast of Man | 2. | Stigmata | 3. | Sinister Mephisto | 4. | Dark of the Sun | 5. | Let the Killing Begin | 6. | Black Earth | 7. | Hydra | 8. | Tears of the Dead | 9. | Vox Stellarum | 10. | Bridge of Destiny | 11. | Diva Satanica (bonusz) | 12. | Damnation's Way (bonusz) |
Burning Bridges (1999) |
 | 1. | The Immortal | 2. | Dead Inside | 3. | Pilgrim | 4. | Silverwing | 5. | Demonic Science | 6. | Seed of Hate | 7. | Angelclaw | 8. | Burning Bridges | 9. | Diva Satanica | 10. | Hydra | 11. | Scream of Anger | 12. | Fields of Desolation '99 |
Burning Japan Live 1999 (1999) |
 | 1. | Immortal | 2. | Dark Insanity | 3. | Dead Inside | 4. | Diva Satanica | 5. | Pilgrim | 6. | Silverwing | 7. | Beast of Man | 8. | Bass Intro/ Tears of the Dead | 9. | Bridge of Destiny | 10. | Transmigration Macabre | 11. | Angelclaw |
Wages of Sin (2001) |
 | 1. | Enemy Within | 2. | Burning Angel | 3. | Hearth of Darkness | 4. | Ravenous | 5. | Savage Messiah | 6. | Dead Bury Their Dead | 7. | Web of Lies | 8. | The First Deadly Sin | 9. | Behind the Smile | 10. | Snow Bound | 11. | Shadows and Dust | 12. | Lament of a Mortal Soul | 13. | Starbreaker |
Burning Angel EP (2002) |
 | 1. | Burning Angel | 2. | Lament of a Mortal Soul | 3. | Starbreaker |
Anthems of Rebellion (2003) |
 | 1. | Tear Down the Walls | 2. | Silent Wars | 3. | We Will Rise | 4. | Dead Eyes See No Future | 5. | Instinct | 6. | Leader of the Rats | 7. | Exist to exit | 8. | Marching on the Dead End Road | 9. | Despicable Heroes | 10. | End of the Line | 11. | Dehumanization | 12. | Anthems | 13. | Saints and Sinners |
Dead Eyes See No Future EP (2004) |
 | 1. | Dead Eyes See No Future | 2. | Burning Angel | 3. | We Will Rise | 4. | Symphony of Destruction | 5. | Hearth of Darkness (live) | 6. | Kill With Power | 7. | Incarnated Solvent Abuse |
Doomsday Machine (2005) |
 | 1. | Enter the Machine | 2. | Taking Back My Soul | 3. | Nemesis | 4. | My Apocalypse | 5. | Carry the Cross | 6. | I am Legend-Out for Blood | 7. | Skeleton Dance | 8. | Hybrids of Steel | 9. | Mechanic God Creation | 10. | Machtkampf | 11. | Slaves of Yesterday |
Live Apocalypse DVD (2006) |
 | 1. | Tear Down The Walls Intro | 2. | Enemy Within | 3. | Silent Wars | 4. | Burning Angel | 5. | Dead Eyes See No Future | 6. | Dead Bury Their Dead | 7. | Bury Me An Angel | 8. | Drum Solo | 9. | Instinct | 10. | Savage Messiah | 11. | First Deadly Sin | 12. | Crowd Cheering | 13. | The Immortal | 14. | Bridge Of Destiny | 15. | We Will Rise | 16. | Heart Of Darkness | 17. | Snowbound | 18. | Ravenous | 19. | Fields Of Desolation Outro | 20. | End Credits | 21. | Nemesis | 22. | My Apocaypse | 23. | Skeleton Dance | 24. | Crowd Cheering | 25. | Ravenous (Clip) | 26. | We Will Rise (Clip) | 27. | Nemesis (Clip) | 28. | My Apocalypse (Clip) | 29. | Dead Eyes See No Future (Clip) | 30. | Bury Me An Angel (Clip) | 31. | Heart Of Darkness (Clip) |
Rise of the Tyrant (2007) |
 | 1. | Blood in your Hands | 2. | The Last Enemy | 3. | I Will Live Again | 4. | In This Shallow Grave | 5. | Revolution Begins | 6. | Rise Of The Tyrant | 7. | The Day You Died | 8. | Intermezzo Liberté | 9. | Night Falls Fast | 10. | The Great Darkness | 11. | Vultures |
Revolution Begins EP (2007) |
 | 1. | Revolution Begins | 2. | Blood on your Hands | 3. | Walk in the Shadows | 4. | I Am Legend / Out for Blood (live) |
Tyrants of the Rising Sun (DVD) Live in Japan (2008) |
 | 1. | Blood on your Hands | 2. | Ravenous | 3. | Taking Back My Soul | 4. | Dead Eyes See No Future | 5. | Dark Insanity | 6. | The Day You Died | 7. | Christopher Solo | 8. | Silverwing | 9. | Night Falls Fast | 10. | Daniel Solo | 11. | Burning Angel | 12. | Michael Solo (Intermezzo Liberté) | 13. | Dead Bury Their Dead | 14. | Vultures | 15. | Enemy Within | 16. | Snowbound | 17. | Shadows and Dust | 18. | Nemesis | 19. | We Will Rise | 20. | Fields Of Desolation |
The Root of All Evil (2009) |
 | 1. | The Root of All Evil (intro) | 2. | Beast of Man | 3. | The Immortal | 4. | Diva Satanica | 5. | Demonic Science | 6. | Bury Me An Angel | 7. | Dead Inside | 8. | Dark Insanity | 9. | Pilgrim | 10. | Demoniality | 11. | Transmigration Macabre | 12. | Silverwing | 13. | Bridge of Destiny | 14. | Bury Me An Angel (live) | 15. | The Immortal (live) | 16. | Bridge of Destiny (live) |
Khaos Legions (2011) |
 | 1. | Bloodstained Cross |